Diesel engine has lot of torque. Torque is a measure of how much of force acting on the object can make that object to rotate. Unlike a petrol engine which has ordinary torque-horsepower ratio of 0.9:1, a diesel engine has significantly higher torque-horsepower ratio of 2.5:1. This is why towing vehicles, big trucks & buses, heavy vehicles have diesel engines. This kind of vehicles requires higher torque. This is how heavy vehicles are able to drive up a steep hill, because the vehicle has enough torque to pull itself up the hill because of the diesel engine. Diesel engines run the commercial transportation system. In public & private transport such as buses & trains, taxis & touring vehicles, diesel engines are practical. This is because of enormous torque output and also better fuel economy and longer engine life. Diesel engines are fuel efficient and return higher fuel economy compared to gasoline engines. This is because diesel has relatively more potential energy due to which there is less diesel fuel requirement to generate the same amount of useable energy. Diesel engines again make more sense than petrol engines because diesel engines have longer life. Diesel engines are long-lasting because unlike a petrol engine, a diesel engine is a compression engine and squeezes the air until it builds up enough heat, and then injects the diesel fuel in the cylinder causing it to ignite by itself which is more powerful than a gasoline engine. However, all these benefits of diesel engine come only with proper care.
Proper & regular maintenance of diesel engines is vital for long-lasting good performance of diesel engines. Diesel engines should be run only on high quality pure diesel. Diesel engine fuel injection systems cannot tolerate any sort of impurity in the fuel. This means that the fuel filters must be regularly & properly maintained. Diesel engine maintenance experts like K & B Diesel Service which has the best diesel engine mechanic in Mt. Isa provide proper servicing & repair to diesel fuel injectors like they say on their website kbdiesel.com.au. Diesel engine mechanics always recommend to service and change air filters as and when recommended by the diesel vehicle manufacturer. Coolant level should be regularly checked to avoid serious mechanical damage. Diesel fuel should have proper filtering system and removal of water to avoid issues with fuel delivery system. The lubricating oil should be generally every 3000 miles. Diesel services specialists and diesel engine mechanics take the best care of diesel engines. Typically, diesel engines require a bit more effort than gasoline engines but then this effort is usually not a trouble, and also this efforts pays-off well with higher fuel efficiency and long-lasting capability of the diesel engine.
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