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Friday, 10 October 2014

Creating a daily routine for children with a proper planning requires a healthy balance between structure and fun.  Well, there is no perfect plan for raising a child, but yes by following some detailed, daily planner for kids, your child will be able to complete his study or tasks given by and still have some fun.

Given below some kids routine that can guide your child    

  • Building good habits: Good habits are just as easy to learn as bad ones. Ones behaviour becomes habit it requires a lot of attention to carry out. As you consider your child’s overall schedule, emphasize only one habit at a time. For an instant, putting away the toys before bedtime.
  • Schedule fitness opportunity: As we all know physical activity is beneficial for children, so always try to build time into your schedule for an outdoor activity.
  • Write down your daily plan: Written instructions or checklists with detailed steps are much more helpful for children than verbal instruction because they’re easier to remember and review. Giving children appropriate lists of tasks to be done or small steps for a larger task will keep them on track.
  • Create a daily reward system: Children often respond well to a simple reward, such as stars for completed activities and a daily star quota to be rewarded with a favorite activity.
  • Morning routine: Waking up at same time every day will make morning easier. Older kids can use an alarm whereas, younger kids can be woken up gently with your touch and singing or calling their name. In morning breakfast, make sure that your offer choices of healthy food for your kids. Prepare a morning study; if your child on that particular day is not going to school, morning is the best time for some study to be done. Pick an easy and very specific task or homework, and then build in a play or relaxation time.
  • After school routine: It is noticed that children coming home from school may need to take a break and have a snack before getting into schoolwork, but it is you, who have to make this decision based on the needs of your child. Allow your children for outside sports or some free play such as romping on a playground is also important.
  • Bedtime routine: Before getting ready to bed ensures that your child properly brushes the teeth and washes the face. Apart from this select an outfit and put it somewhere your child can find it easily, which will make his or her morning smoother. Lastly, make sure you have a set time for going to bed and waking up.

However, Kids daily planner is one of useful guideline for kids. Through this you can create a schedule that is more personalized to your child’s need. With their high energy and creativity children can be great fun as they rock through the day. It is your duty just to provide a flexible and healthy structure with lots of love to your child.

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