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Saturday 24 January 2015

Our ears didn't hear the sentence "Let's play" from many years. The reason is this, children and even adults have started playing games through their minds instead of body. Now this is actually the era of so called "mind games" which can be generally referred as online games. The newest generation even doesn't have any awareness about cricket, hockey, football, badminton etc. and if they've some understand how about these games they preferably want to play on internet. People get happy while doing offers online as no physical workout is necessary for that. Online games have shrunken the life span in an exceedingly small circle where the player and the games are simply living.
Today the web games are very advanced while they contain beautiful 3D animations with superb stereo sound which can be quite enough to produce people hooked on them. Now to play games isn't only children's activity but folks of all ages are receiving associated with it. Adults even take much fascination with online gaming as in their opinion online games sooth their minds from the daily problems that is somehow true in case of traumatic experiences and bad happenings. People literally generate income by playing these games. The web gaming session has gone beyond from player-computer match to player-professional gamer match. Games that are being played online are actually so advanced and popular that even annual gaming tournaments are organized by the sponsorships of different companies. These new advancements have created a distinct segment for professional gamers.

Online games have positive and negative consequences too. Nearly all kinds of games can be found online i.e. racing, puzzle games, fighting and a number of other mind games etc. On a single hand these games have sharpen the minds of people as they help in improving the educational abilities but on another hand they have not only destroyed the private lives but additionally the social interactions are disturbed. People get chance to learn about people of other countries that is good but these new friendships also affect the close relationships. These games have ruined the human relationships as the player gives more priority to the overall game rather than living people. Every time the ball player has to select between the actual life and the virtual one and the battle of real and virtual is always won by virtual that is quite depressing.

Addicted gamers spend so long while playing these games that they even ignore their responsibilities. They've just two options in life either to play online games or to share with you these games with others that leads to the failure of relationships. People just don't desire to be around the gamers because they get the impression of negligence and they get irritated and offended.
Another bad consequence of online gaming is that it causes not enough sleep, which leads to further irritability and fatigue. The addicted person simply spends so much time on these games he hasn't enough energy to deal with and invest on relationships. This fatigue not just affects relationships but also the person's health. As a result of spending extended hours before mobile and internet, eyesight also get weaken day by day. It is also a barrier in bodily growth of children as it causes obesity. The education of young generation is affected badly. A young child of 15 years even doesn't learn how to talk to anonymous people and how exactly to relocate society because he's made the gaming circle his social circle. In this manner, parents should have an eye on children about which form of online game the youngster is playing.

Although there are many negative consequences of online games, but a couple of positive effects can't be denied. 

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