Anyone with an Internet presence can tell you that content is still king. As long as people use this powerful tool to search for the information that they seek, there will be a need for up-to-date, relevant content. Your Private Investigation business website can further that tradition by creating quality content that will also boost the number of visitors to your site.
Give them What they Want
People are hungry for information. As a private investigator, you know this all too well. Your clients come to you because they seek that very thing that they can't get for themselves. That is why they turn to an expert in the field.
How did they find out about you? Was it word-of-mouth or traditional advertising means like newspapers, magazine print ads or radio? That is all well and good, but the Internet opens up an entire world to you and your business.
Think about it, mobile marketing is booming. More people spend time on their mobile phones than they do with any other piece of technology. Smart phones allow users to surf the Web, check email, search local networks, watch videos, shop and access any website they want. When the site has been optimized for mobile viewing it gets greater traffic.
Even though private investigators are location specific in their operations, having a popular website can give a boost to your business. Those people who can benefit from your services in your area or region need to know where to find you. And, since most people are perpetually connected to the internet, that means, that your website needs to find ways to attract its audience.
5 Ways to Use Content to increase Website Traffic
There are several ways to leverage content to gain the attention of search engines and therefore the people who are searching for your services. Here are just five of them.
1. Keep your site updated - Nothing sinks faster than a stagnant website. Regularly provide new and updated content for your readers to read and digest. Also, write for your audience. Give them the types of information that they are looking for.
2. Use keywords - This can't be stressed enough. Your content gets ranked through keywords. Do the research to find out which keywords are best for your type of investigative work and feature them within the articles, anchor text, image text, headlines, sub headlines and page titles.
3. Submit to article directories - Now your content offerings can be found on other sites as well to increase your presence across the internet. Don't forget to include links back to your website.
4. Create video content - Turn your article information into an informative video that can be uploaded to YouTube and also featured on your site.
5. Use social media - Create a social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others where you can link to the new content featured on your site.
Use the power of words to increase your presence in places where potential clients can find you.
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