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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Headlights make it easier for others to see you in the rain. There are 27 states that currently have a ?wipers on, headlights on? law. Visibility is greatly decreased when it rains, so when the headlights are on, others can see you better. With an estimated 25% of vehicles in need of new wiper blades, everything you can do to make your vehicle more visible is a step in the right direction.
Your headlights do not necessarily make it easier for you to see the road, but it helps others see you. Besides the rain coming down, windows get foggy and road glare makes it harder to see. Your standard low beams are the best option. They are designed to light up the road and allow others to see you coming, but will not reflect back at the driver. So slow down, turn your headlights on and drive defensively.
Many people are unaware when it is appropriate to use the high beam or low beam. In general, the low beam should be the lamps that are used for most driving conditions.
Low beams, when properly adjusted, light up the road and objects up to the same height as the headlight itself. The distance is approximately 160 feet. If Xenon or HID headlights are used, there actually seems to be a line in front of you at about half that distance, but they illuminate the same distance.
High beams illuminate 500 feet or more as well as the light spreading up, down and to both sides. This is why high beams are not useful in snow, rain or fog. The light simply shines right back at you. High beams are designed for roads where you need to see far, high or wide.
Fog lamps are designed primarily for one purpose, to keep the light low, wide and with minimal distance so you can see what is directly in front of you without causing a blinding condition for yourself or others. Driving lamps are designed to make it easier to see low, far and wide, such as on a winding country road. When a vehicle comes around a bend, the driver will not be blinded. Keep your lights adjusted properly and use the correct beam for the correct driving condition.
A headlight relay is what turns the headlamps on and is basically an electro-mechanical switch. When power is delivered to the relay, the circuit closes and allows the headlights to turn on. Remove the power source, the circuit opens and cuts power to the headlights.

“The disposable diaper is one of the most significant consumer product developments of the twentieth century. In just a few years after commercialization, disposables virtually replaced traditional cloth diapers as consumers recognized and valued overwhelming advantages in ease of use, increased comfort, better hygiene, and improvement in the amount and quality of time parents can have with their children. At the same time, the industry’s competitive rivalry and history of continuous innovation and cost reduction have enabled parents from all parts of the world and all economic circumstances to benefit socially as well as economically”. Davis Dyer, 2005


Diapers have been evolved along the human history. They have been made of disposable materials (some plants leaf, animal skins, and other natural resources) or reusable (cotton, hemp, bamboo, microfiber, wood or animal skins). Disposable diapers usually were used for couple of days.  Just think in the diseases (rash and skin infections) and mom changing a diaper with couple days of baby waste accumulate, not an easy and pleasant work.  Reusable diapers (cloth diapers) are usually composed of layers of fabric such as cotton, hemp, bamboo, microfiber, wood or animal skins and can be washed and reused multiple times. They are not very practical for busy moms or traveling families. Material of reusable diapers historically did not change too much until recent years, on the other hand, disposable diapers have changed a lot from basically any absorbent material that came handy to diapers contain extra absorbent material and chemicals.

The use of diapers is not exactly the same for all communities around the world and varies depending of the weather, season and cultural practices. In the tropical areas the problem was simplified, babies did not use diapers and moms kept them naked most of the time, however in seasonal regions this practice is impossible during the winter.

During the World War II in United States many women were employed in the factories and they had to dedicate less time to the house keeping them diaper services came, a service to launder dirty diapers. On the difficult times moms are highly recursive and for 1946 Marion Donovan invents the “boater”, a diaper cover crafted from a plastic shower curtain. Shortly after that in 1949 Johnson and Johnson introduces “Chux” the first truly disposable diaper. In 1961 Pampers were unveils by Procter & Gamble. In 1968 Kimberly-Clark introduces Huggies and 1978 replace the Kimbies brand.   For about 30 years (1950’s-1980’s) in United States two main brands compete for the market Procter & Gamble’s Pampers and Kimberly Clark’s Huggies.  This competition resulted in lower prices and several innovations to avoid accidents and for the comfort of the babies and toddlers, including the development of an hourglass shape t o reduce bulk, tabs that could be refastened, and the elastic waist.

One of the most important changes in the disposable diaper industry was the introduction of the sodium polyacrylate a super-absorbent polymer in 1984. The polymer reduces dramatically the incidence of diaper rash, as well as reduces accidents (leaks) from 10% to 1% and allows build thinner diapers. In addition, the polymer makes diapers cheaper, more small diapers fit in a box or package reducing shipping cost.  In the 1990’s disposable diapers continues it development with ultra-dry thins diapers and stretch panels to make diapers more comfortable. In 1989, Kimberly-Clark introduced Huggies Pull-Ups, the first disposable training pant to facilitate toilet training.

In 2007, the disposable diapers were “upgrade” and the new gDiapers, a flushable biodegradable disposable diaper were introduce to the market, however continue to grow in popularity generated some concerns in waste water treatment plants.

Friday, 10 October 2014

The markets today are flooded with a number of educational toys. Being very much popular among parents, they provide a good medium to educate their children. No matter what, parents want to purchase educational toys for their children. In general, an educational toy helps a child to learn something good, which will help in the future. As we know that play is the most important activity of any child. Learning through play is a reality, it can and is done unknowingly every time your child plays.

Well, an educational toy can be anything that provides knowledge and develops skills for learning. Books, games, toys or animated movies are some of the examples of educational toys. There are few toys that child enjoy in terms of birthday gifts for kids such as organic stuffed animals, dolls, block-games, cars and wooden toys. These toys are carefully designed and well crafted to help in shaping young minds. Thus, there are a wide range of inexpensive, quality educational toys for children who are as young as three months. Wooden toys are a favorite among parents as they are cheap, safe, durable and high quality. These educational toys also include storybooks, kids’ daily planner, construction toys, puzzles, craft kits, baby toys and many more.

However, these educational toys are available on the market for all age groups. Before buying any educational toys certain criteria are need to be understood, which is the age of the child. For an instant, one year old child is given blocks of numbers to play. Hence, they will not understanding the potential for learning numbers rather they with will only shake or throw them. There is nothing much but an orderly sequence of physiological and physical growth in children and educational toys have to be bought based on this sequence. Normally when children play, they are active and perform actions with their eyes, hands and bodies. They manipulate objects and often tend to explore the objects with all their senses. When a six year old child is given a set of trains, he starts assembling the track and the train based on his perception of how a train looks.

Most of the educational toys are unique and different from other regular toys. In addition, some of the advantages of these educational toys are as such; they keep your child’s attention for long hours at a stretch, provide a challenging learning experience, help to develop their mental and physical skills, encourages your child to interact with others, develops their imagination, creative, cognitive skills, and many more.

Lastly, choose a unique educational toy that suits your child because each child has different mental and physical disposition. Since, you are the best decider for your child, choose a perfect one.

Creating a daily routine for children with a proper planning requires a healthy balance between structure and fun.  Well, there is no perfect plan for raising a child, but yes by following some detailed, daily planner for kids, your child will be able to complete his study or tasks given by and still have some fun.

Given below some kids routine that can guide your child    

  • Building good habits: Good habits are just as easy to learn as bad ones. Ones behaviour becomes habit it requires a lot of attention to carry out. As you consider your child’s overall schedule, emphasize only one habit at a time. For an instant, putting away the toys before bedtime.
  • Schedule fitness opportunity: As we all know physical activity is beneficial for children, so always try to build time into your schedule for an outdoor activity.
  • Write down your daily plan: Written instructions or checklists with detailed steps are much more helpful for children than verbal instruction because they’re easier to remember and review. Giving children appropriate lists of tasks to be done or small steps for a larger task will keep them on track.
  • Create a daily reward system: Children often respond well to a simple reward, such as stars for completed activities and a daily star quota to be rewarded with a favorite activity.
  • Morning routine: Waking up at same time every day will make morning easier. Older kids can use an alarm whereas, younger kids can be woken up gently with your touch and singing or calling their name. In morning breakfast, make sure that your offer choices of healthy food for your kids. Prepare a morning study; if your child on that particular day is not going to school, morning is the best time for some study to be done. Pick an easy and very specific task or homework, and then build in a play or relaxation time.
  • After school routine: It is noticed that children coming home from school may need to take a break and have a snack before getting into schoolwork, but it is you, who have to make this decision based on the needs of your child. Allow your children for outside sports or some free play such as romping on a playground is also important.
  • Bedtime routine: Before getting ready to bed ensures that your child properly brushes the teeth and washes the face. Apart from this select an outfit and put it somewhere your child can find it easily, which will make his or her morning smoother. Lastly, make sure you have a set time for going to bed and waking up.

However, Kids daily planner is one of useful guideline for kids. Through this you can create a schedule that is more personalized to your child’s need. With their high energy and creativity children can be great fun as they rock through the day. It is your duty just to provide a flexible and healthy structure with lots of love to your child.