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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Chicken pox is an airborne disease which spreads very quickly resulting in skin rash on head and body. Varicella zoster is the pathogen causes chicken pox.  Varicella zoster virus (VZV) easily spreads through air when infected person coughs or sneezes or contact through rash secretions. Chicken pox can be treated by vaccines like varivax and zostavax. Varicella zoster is called by different names such as chicken pox virus, zoster virus, and human herepes virus type 3. This virus can also cause various diseases like postherpetic neuraglia, shingles. Chicken pox can spread through infected air or direct contact with the infected patient. It can spread from infected mother to unborn baby.  Individuals with compromised immunity are affected by VZV infection.

Zoster virus:< br />
It’s spherical in structure. Its genome is as same as HSV – Herpes Simplex Viruses.  Linear double stranded DNA of length 125,000 nt. Body made of capsomeres which are covered in a layer of lipid. Arrangement is in icosahedral formation. Nucleoplasid is made of 162 capsomeres. Zoster virus is susceptible to sodium and hypochlorite chemicals. Therapeutic agents and medicines used to treat this virus are vidarabine, zoster-immune globulin and aciclovir.

Once the person is infected by this virus, it goes dormant and stores in the body. The individual affected by this disease can observe complications such as encephalitis and pneumonia. Virus spreads all over nervous system where it remains dormancy in epidermal cells. It shows skin rash and spinal cord related problems. Zostavax vaccine helps to cure this disorder. Vaccine concentrated on how it is formulated.  When the immune system becomes weak vaccine helps to elicite immunity in e lders. This drug can be effective for elders than the childrens.

Symptoms of chicken pox:

  • Mild fever, epidermal rashes on head and other parts of the body.
  • Fluid filled blisters can be observed all over the body.
  • This disease generally seen in childrens than the adults. In adults we can see severe effects causing pneumonia in some cases.
  • In severe cases antiviral drugs are given to the patient to avoid further complications.
  • Extremely itching of blisters, burning sensation then blisters turns to scabs.

Chicken pox in adults:

If the adults not had chicken pox in childhood then there may be chances of getting after age of 12 years.  It often seen in young adults compared to people of old age. If once the person gets affected by this disease their body becomes immune and won’t allow to contract it again and again. Those who weren’t vaccinated in childhood have chances to contract chicken pox.

Few symptoms in adults are dry cough, headache, severe backache, sore throat and mild fever. Chicken pox blisters appear throughout the body. Blisters are reddish and cause itching. Patient senses discomfort due to extreme itching.  10-20 days may need for incubation period to start showing symptoms.  If the infected person does’nt recovers within 1-2 weeks then there can be complications then the diseas e becomes highly contagious so in such cases consult a doctor.

Generally in complicated cases chicken pox turns out to be shingles. The people who are suffer from chicken pox in past are likely to affect by shingles later in their lives. Zoster virus will be dormant in patient’s body and reappears as one more disease called shingles. If the pregnant women are attacked by chicken pox then there are elevated probability of intensifying abnormal growth of brain, neurological disorder, eye damage, shortened head and limbs like dwarfs in unborn infant.

To reduce itchiness we can use some creams or lotions for soothing effects. Avoid scratching as it results in skin rash. Generally chicken pox will get cured without any medication if they have already vaccinated. In complicated cases patient feels wheezing shortness, bleeding blisters then they must consult physician. Adults should vaccinate on priority basis if they weren’t vaccinated in childhoo d.

Side effects of chicken pox vaccines:

  • Patient can sense slight discomfort where injection is inserted.
  • At the injected part Soreness or redness can be seen.
  • Pain and swelling, muscle aches.
  • Severe headache, nausea and fatigue.
  • Few individuals may experience wheezing difficulty, dizziness and hives.
  • In severe cases low blood count, seizures and pneumonia can occur.

These symptoms will disappear within 3-4 days; some people can experience epidermal rashes and fever rarely. Skin rashes take some time to disappear. Few individuals can contract chicken pox even though vaccinated; it is just a mild breakout which does not make much discomfort. Chicken pox vaccines generally donot cause any side effects. In rare cases this symptoms can be seen. In such cases contact the physician for further treatments.

Who cannot take chicken pox vaccine:

  • HIV/AIDS patients not eligible for chicken pox vaccine.
  • Patients consuming steroids cannot take this vaccine.
  • Individuals suffering from cancer.
  • Chicken pox vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women.

Preventive measures:

  • Childrens should be vaccinated in earlier age.
  • Adults must take vaccines as prescribed by doctor.
  • Isolate infected people till they recover.
  • Hygeine shoud be maintained.
  • Reside in good atmosphere.
  • Varicella vaccine or zostavax vaccines must be taken.

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