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Tuesday 10 March 2015

Nowadays, the safest and trustworthy medicine recommended by medical experts is abortion pills. Basically, abortion pill Kit contains two pills known as mifepristone and misoprostol. These are the medicines that will help the user to terminate the early unintended pregnancy in a simpler way. These pills are to be consumed within 9 weeks of pregnancy, if used after completing 9 weeks then it won’t be effective. Abortion pills are available online also and most of the women now buy abortion pills online as it is the convenient way to place an order and the privacy is also maintained. Consumption of these medicines is also simple, user first has to take mifepristone which will break the lining of uterus and also blocks the hormone progesterone because of which the pregnancy is not completed. Misoprostol tablet is to be consumed after 6 hours which will then contract the womb and the tissue gets expelled out resulting into heavy vaginal bleed ing. Once this procedure is followed then user can go for the checkup after 14 days and can clear that whether the abortion was successful or not. In this way, user can end the unwanted pregnancy without using any surgical method and can make her life safe and secure.

Breastfeeding during medical abortion

While having an abortion, remember that mifepristone is the medicine which will mix up with the breast milk and it may cause problem to the unborn child. Though, the research has not confirmed it. But still  the user must take the precaution and should not go for breastfeeding for two days while consuming mifepristone abortion pill. Even when misoprostol is taken at that time also user must keep the gap of 6 hours and in this period she can go for breastfeeding and after that she can consume misoprostol.

How user will kno w that she had a successful abortion?

After the abortion procedure is done, some women are still not sure that they had a safe abortion or not. But it is simple to test as when the pregnancy tissues are eliminated completely, at that time you can say that the abortion was successful. Another method is by checking through ultrasound of 10 days which can be done after taking abortion pills. Heavy bleeding, pain, or fever must not exist for longer period of time as it is an indication of unsuccessful abortion.  Most of the women think that as heavy bleeding has occurred then it’s a complete abortion. But still it is strongly said by the doctor that user should visit the clinic and must examined through ultrasound so that the misconception will be cleared. Because of ultrasound, it will become sure that the pregnancy tissues has totally eliminated from user’s body.

How user w ill know about abortion complications?

When women consumes abortion pills, she suffers from symptoms as follows:

1.Heavy bleeding:  When women has to take more than 2 sanitary pads in an hour then she need to discuss it with the doctor.

2. Infection: If the user is having fever for more than 24hours.

In such cases women must immediately go to the doctor and must take the treatment instead of making it more complicated. Abortion pills are thus to be consumed carefully and user must always be in touch with the doctor so that if complications occurs then it can be resolved at an early stage.

Is medical abortion dangerous?

If women are consuming abortion pills within first 12 weeks of pregnancy then it won’t have much risk or complications. But if the pills are not taken i n an appropriate manner and users are neglecting the issues like heavy bleeding, prolonged fever then it might have some issues. Else abortion pills give expected results.

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