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Monday 16 September 2013

According to a recent study by leading cardiologists, the rate of heart attacks amongst Americans is dropping. Intriguingly, the incidence of obesity has increased. Experts believe health care innovations such as cholesterol blocking drugs could possibly account for the decline.

In spite of this, doctors advise the importance of continuing to follow a healthy diet. This diet, combined with a good exercise program, goes a long way toward lowering your cholesterol and improving heart problems. According to doctors, this is an important reminder that many illnesses are easily prevented by using some simple lifestyle changes.

Two of the best ways to prevent illness are to follow a healthy diet and a healthy exercise program. Even a short walk around the block after dinner or taking a few short runs of 15 minutes each are going to help you stay healthy.

Additional tips from cardiologists for staying healthy are:

Don't smoke. Smoking can increase cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. Non smokers enjoy a much lower rate of heart attacks. If you are a smoker, stop now before it's too late. The sooner you stop the sooner your body can recover and heal.

Get enough exercise. As stated above, even 15 minutes a day is going to have a healthy impact on your heart and body. Take a walk after dinner or work. Take a walk at lunch. Park a block away and walk the extra block to and from your office. Do some gardening. Walk the dog. All of these are easy options to get yourself started on a good exercise program.

Watch your diet. What goes into your body can directly affect your health. If you're eating a diet laden in sugar and too many pre packaged foods, you are at a high risk for many medical conditions including cardiovascular disease. A healthy diet will have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and be low in saturated fats. Your dinner plate should be full of color and look inviting.

It's never to early to begin these healthy life style habits. Heart disease is progressive and the sooner you start preventive measures, the better your health is going to be. Heart disease can take years to develop and if you're taking good care of yourself you could easily extend your life by 20 years or more by making these simple lifestyle changes.

Although there is a connection between genetics and heart disease, you can still help to reduce your risk of heart disease by the way you take care of your diet and by exercise. IF you smoke, stop now while there is still time to reverse the damage that smoking can cause.

According to cardiologists, four out of five heart attacks could have been prevented by simple changes in diet and exercise. Avoid fast foods that are laden with fat. Many fast food plates are well over 1200 calories in their entirely. For some, that's all of the calories they are supposed to consume in a day.

A home cooked meal can provide you with all of the nutrition you require for the day. Eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and low in fats can significantly reduce your risk for heart attack. If you don't like to cook, simply learn a few easy to prepare meals and cook them often. Make a fresh salad once a week to last the entire week. Make a large fresh fruit salad in the same preparation time frame.

Keep fresh sandwich fixings available at all times along with some healthy bread and condiments. You'll be healthier and your body will feel so much better if you make this simple change.

Consider what you're buying at the grocery store. Choose foods from the perimeter of the store which are more likely to be healthy. Avoid aisles that have a lot of tempting pre packaged foods and added preservatives. Keep fresh crisp veggies on hand for those must snack moments.

Clean your home of foods that aren't healthy. Get rid of the chips. Get rid of the pre packaged stuff. Avoid deep fried foods. Choose less sugary foods and more healthy foods in your daily diet. The less of these foods you eat the healthier your body is going to feel. You won't have to worry as much about weight gain and your body is going to respond in kind to all of your efforts.

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