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Monday 2 September 2013

Men can also suffer from breast cancer, which is considered by some as a disease only for women. Male breast cancer develops in men’s breast tissue. Men of any age may have this condition but it is more common in older men. Based on Cancer Facts and Figures 2013 by the American Cancer Society, approximately 2,240 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected in men in the U.S. this year 2013. About 410 deaths related to breast cancer are predicted to men. Deaths may be prevented or delayed with earlier diagnosis and better treatment. This is why it is vital that they should be familiar with signs and symptoms for male breast cancer.

Breast lump or mass is a thing that men themselves can notice. It is the most frequent symptom of breast cancer in men. More often, it appears below this part of the body where the tissue is concentrated. It is usually pain-free. Similarly, males are more anticipated to encounter nipple discharge than females. This sometimes incorporates blood. Nipple retraction is also obvious, as well as skin ulceration and scaling or redness of the breast or nipple skin.

Additional signs and symptoms for male breast cancer develop once the tumor has spread to other body parts like liver, bones and lungs. This is referred to as metastatic breast cancer. Symptoms for this specific type of breast cancer are trouble in breathing, feeling sick, feeling fatigue constantly, skin itch and bone pain.

Men must consider visiting their doctors soon as they notice breast lump or problems in the nipples, such as the ones stated earlier. This is to confirm the presence of cancer, undergo treatment and avoid spread.

Breast cancer in men is diagnosed similar to women. They may go through ultrasound, which is a painless scan by means of sound waves. They may also undergo breast x-ray or mammogram. In case the oncologist notices an area that is possible indication for cancer, he will get a sample of the breast tissue and test it using microscope. If the examination suggests that the patient is positive for breast cancer, the physician will conduct other tests to find out if it has not spread.

Men are provided the same breast cancer treatments as women. Some examples are chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Their response to hormone treatments, however, is superior to women. Almost 80 percent of breast cancers in men have hormone receptors. This implies that they have distinct areas on the cancer cells where specific hormones, such as estrogen, can perform. Similarly, 71 percent of male breast cancers are found to be BCRA positive. Because of this, hormonal treatment may work to be effective for men.

Signs and symptoms for male breast cancer mustn't be ignored as they offer people more reasons to go through early detection. The same attention should also be given if they are at higher risk of this condition. Common risk factors for male breast cancer are family history, age, high levels of estrogen, excess weight, radiation exposure and many others.

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