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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The emotional strain and struggles that come with a cancer diagnosis are trying times that no one is deserving of. Financial fears are something that should not accompany this painful experience. As a non-profit organization, Lazarex Cancer Foundation believes financial hardships should not make the decisions regarding access to the treatments a cancer patient receives. Lazarex is dedicated to improving options, building hope, and enhancing the lives of all ages diagnosed with any form of cancer. We spent lot in cancer research so that our cancer patient can get best treatment.

Another challenge that sweeps the nation each year is the Team For Life Marathon events. Thousands of runners participate in our events each year funds raised by runners goes in cancer research. Crossing the finish line is a lifetime accomplishment to share with generations to come. While completing the marathons is com mendable, completing it with a greater purpose is honorable. You can run also this race for more than reaching the finish line. This year take the step to run for cancer charity.

Runners are constantly referencing who or whom they are playing for to support Cancer Foundation in cancer research. Whether it is for a parent, a child, a lost loved one, or a special cause, the cancer patient stories are always proclaimed at major sporting events. You can learn from professionals and have an inspiration to run the marathons for something more important than finishing the race. This can be achieved by becoming a member of Lazarex Cancer Foundation’s Team for Life. By joining the team you can dedicate your marathon race to raising funds for the fight against cancer. You can help others cross the bridges to hope.

To help motivate you to fundraise for the cancer research, Lazarex is offering several incentives based on the amount of money donated to your campaign. Some of the incentives include mountain bikes, air fare, hotel stay and even lodging at an exclusive Hawaiian Resort in Maui. Therefore on top of knowing you would be directly helping the fight against cancer you can also receive incentives based on the amount you are able to raise.

Make a difference in Half Marathons events & run for Cancer Charity who stay a step ahead in cancer research. This year have an impact and join the Team for Life Upcoming marathon events, run the marathon Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon Weekend, Big Sur Half Marathon, Walnut Creek International Half Marathon & 5K Race, Tinker Bell Half Marathon, Big Sur International Ma rathon with Cancer Foundation – Team For Life. Help give hope. Help ease the pain that comes with the undeserved burden that so many cancer patients have been given. Run the race for lives. For more information please visit our official websites www.teamforlifelcf.org or www.lazarex.org

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