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Tuesday 2 April 2013

Many cholesterol-conscious people tend to worry that one of the best diet for high cholesterol. There are questions that often keep a lid on health forums cholesterol, "Is there a best diet for high cholesterol?" or "What is the best diet to maintain low cholesterol? The answer to these questions is simple: "No!" There's simply just no one best diet for reducing and controlling high cholesterol.

Yes, figuring out how to lower cholesterol through diet is important, but - I think it is going about it the wrong way. What they should be asking ourselves instead - if there is a diet to control high cholesterol, which is best for them! And I'm here to tell you how to do that.

Your choice of diet helps to lower high cholesterol is one of the most important and the safest ways to control high blood cholesterol levels. In fact, plan what to eat to lower cholesterol should be one of your priorities, even before considering consuming any cholesterol-lowering me dication in kind.

Doctors usually recommend to reduce LDL cholesterol levels less than 160mg/dl. Those who suffer from coronary heart disease should be targeted LDL cholesterol levels below 130 mg / dl. This is - total cholesterol 240mg/dl and 200 mg / dl.

Revolve around the low fat and high fiber diet to reduce high cholesterol

There is really only one vital key to any diet to lower cholesterol ... and that you follow every diet plan - low in fat and high in fiber. It really is as simple as that. Keep your diet low in fat and high in fiber means

And what about the fiber that your body so badly need? You really can not go wrong with fresh fruit and vegetables, the fiber. Oats, rye, dried peas, yams, beans, yogurt, and cultured foods are all perfect complement to your diet.

Here is a tip - if possible, the use of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is found - as already mentioned - the fruits and vegetables. However, other solub le fiber products are found to be one of the most effective grain that must be included in your diet to control high cholesterol ...

Barley - a powerful option, but the cholesterol-reducing diet

Barley has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, people back. However, it is only recently that the barley was found to be very effective in reducing cholesterol. As mentioned above, the fibers are generally classified as either soluble or insoluble. And it is these water-soluble fiber, such as barley, have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular event.

"Complex carbohydrates" or natural starches needed for your body to burn fat. It is wise starches diet to control high cholesterol. Nature is found in bread, potatoes, pasta and cereal starches. Naturally low in fat and high in fiber (all the diet to reduce high cholesterol needs), these products should be included in your diet list.

Bear in mind, is what a bunch of foods that contribute to fat. Growing level of cholesterol is due to fat consumption. Do not get me wrong. Fat is an excellent energy source for your body. It also helps to absorb certain kinds of vitamins and nutrients.

But for those who use diet to lower cholesterol, they should try to keep your fat intake between 25 and 35 percent of your calories. This is the secret to maintaining a perfect diet plan - eat less fat than your body burns daily.

Keep in mind that just as important as the amount of fat you consume, type. Stay away from saturated and trans fats. These are the fats that are the real enemies of the good type of cholesterol. Reduce the saturated fat from your diet and you'll reduce your cholesterol.

If you're wondering about good fats, they are monounsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. Fish are polyunsaturated fats, which are the best kind. It is no wonder that so many nutritionists recommend eating fish in many plans.

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