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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Prostate cancer is very common in males living in the United States. The likelihood of one having prostate cancer increases with age. Some studies have suggested that as many as 80% of males who reach the age of 80 have prostate cancer. In most men it grows very, very slowly. Knowing the symptoms may help with early detection.

What Are Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer?

Many people may wonder, what are symptoms of prostate cancer? Well, there are some symptoms that may be caught. However, the best bet is having the prostate examined. Many of the symptoms for prostate cancer only occur at later stages, when it is more difficult to expel the cancer from the body. These symptoms prostate cancer include an increased need to urinate, a painful or burning sensation when urinating and/or blood in the urine or semen. Also, difficulty in starting or stopping urination, a weak stream or leaking of urine when laughing or coughing can also be signs. Unfortunately, these are signs that occur after the cancer has swelled the prostate gland, or has spread to other areas of the body. If the cancer has advanced, symptoms prostate cancer include loss of weight and appetite, dull pain felt in the bones of the pelvis, ribs, lower back or upper thighs. There may also be swelling or weakness felt in the lower part of the body.

How Can Prostate Cancer Be Detected?

Since waiting on seeing symptoms for prostate cancer can be a dangerous game, the best way to catch the disease in the early stages are to have regular physical exams of the prostate. There are varying levels of examinations, but the doctor will initially check for any swelling. If there is cause for concern, there are different tests that can be done. There are blood tests that can check levels, and if there is great cause for concern, a biopsy my be recommended.

Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented?

The biggest risk factor for prostate cancer is age. It is most commonly diagnosed in men over fifty years of age. There may be a dietary link as well. Research has shown that prostate cancer is much more common in countries where a diet high in animal fat and low in fruits and vegetables. Also, leading a sedentary lifestyle also appears to increase the likely hood of developing prostate cancer at an earlier age.

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