Anyone who has undergone a massage even once in their life would agree that there is nothing more healing and more refreshing than a great massage. The effects of a good massage are truly magical. Massage is the most natural form of treatment for relief from pain as well as stress. This is why massage is now no longer considered just as a luxury but as an essential part of health care or stress relief management.
A good massage relaxes the tight muscles of your body after long hours at work. Massage involves stroking, pressing, rubbing, and applying deep pressure on the muscles, tendons and ligaments, which relieve the body of its aches, pains, strains, stiffness and fatigue. A good massage leaves both your body and mind relaxed and rejuvenated. Hence this has become an effective way to maintain your body. The feeling of well-being that a massage gives you unwinds your mind and perks your spirits up, leaving you with more energy to take on more challenges.
In addition to stress and muscle pain, massage is known to be effective for paresthesia or, in more common terms, pins-and-needles or skin-crawling sensations experienced especially in the extremities, nerve pains, strains and such injuries. It is also known to be very helpful for stress-related insomnia. Massage improves flexibility and range of motion of joints and hence is greatly used in the field of sports including contact sports. Massage has proven positive effects on anxiety, headache and indigestion.
There are different types of massage used to address different kinds of problems. Deep tissue massage is an intense form of massage which uses pressure on particular muscle zones to relieve the body of its tension. On the other hand, aromatherapy massage makes use of different kinds of oils to help relieve tension, lift mood and reduce pain. Hot stone massage applies heated stone to particular points on the body for improved therapeutic effectiveness. Swedish massage is a very popular massage therapy that makes use of stroking and percussion techniques for tension relief and pain reduction.
There is an undeniable feeling of comfort associated with massage. This is because of its hands-on treatment style with studied strokes, friction and percussion as well as acupressure techniques. This, while releasing the deep knots in the body, improves circulation, relieves stress and relaxes the mind, which naturally results in a feel-good factor that leads to total revitalization. To top it all, the spicy and fragrant oils used for massage gives it a touch of exotic luxury.
The mood relaxing, stress relieving and therapeutic effects of massage have been so well recognized and accepted that human resource departments of large business houses and corporate offices have introduced this, achieving significant improvements in employee productivity, effectiveness and satisfaction.
In today’s fast world where individuals follow a fast lifestyle at an increasingly fast pace, where health and fitness programs have become not only essential but inevitable also, massage is fast becoming part of their health management program. Massage is a proven body relaxation technique and stress buster, which guarantees deep sleep, good digestion and great body agility. However, there is one caution. Before undergoing massage, an individual should inform the massage therapist of his basic body ailments and other injuries, if any. This helps the therapist in choosing the right massage technique which can address your ailments also and possibly resolve them once and for all. There is no better way for revitalizing your body and reviving your energy than by a good massage. With a relaxed body and mind, and positive relief from aches and ailments, an individual is able to give more focus to his activities which eventually results in greater productivity and outcome .
Kevin Kiene is a writer of PurenatureDaySpa, a Day spa in Westfield offers massage and facial. Westfield Massage, Fanwood NJ Facial, Clark Massage and more.
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