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Monday 22 July 2013

Pregnancy is one of the greatest joys of a mother, but it also comes at a price. Months of carrying another human being in your belly takes its toll on your body, with one of most obvious consequences being an enlarged belly. In case of multiple pregnancies, the abdominal muscles weaken and separate, giving rise to a medical condition known as diastasis recti. Once this condition has set in, no amount of tummy tuck exercises post pregnancy can return your body back to its pre pregnancy shape. In such a condition, electing to have a tummy tuck is an ideal option but you should be fully prepared for the procedure and the aftermath. Some of the easy steps to take include:

Evaluating your reasons for having the surgery

When tummy tucks first began, they were restricted to post menopausal women who were trying to regain some of the lost youth and vigor in their bodies. The modern tummy tuck customer is a young mother who has just finished having children. Psychologists are of the opinion that women feel differently about their bodies in their thirties compared to their forties and fifties. The pressure to look your best is higher in the younger years and as such, you should ensure your reasons for having a tummy tuck at whatever age are enough to help you endure the pain and live with a scar for the rest of your life.

Ensure you are the right candidate

A tummy tuck is a risky procedure and not everyone is an ideal candidate. You should discuss with your surgeon about your eligibility for the procedure. A tummy tuck is ideal when you have lost weight but still have loose skin and separated abdominal muscles. If you are planning to lose weight, you should wait until you are 10 pounds within the ideal weight. Also, you should not be planning to get pregnant again. If you have any chronic illnesses, consult your physician to evaluate the risks of the procedure.

Learn as much as you can about the procedure

The only way to be sure of having a tummy tuck is to have knowledge and a clear mental picture of the surgery and its aftermath. Find out as much as you can about your preferred tummy tuck procedure and the risks and benefits of undertaking it. Also, educate yourself on how to take the necessary precautions before and after surgery to minimize any complications and extensive scarring. Blood clots are a common risk in the surgery and you should ensure that you have stopped smoking before the surgery.

The aftermath

Once you have weighed all the pros and cons, you can go ahead and choose an experienced cosmetic surgeon to carry out the procedure. Ensure that you follow the doctor's guidelines to speed up the recovery. Post pregnancy tummy tuck exercises will still be part of the routine to maintain the results of the surgery but you should take your doctor's advice on when to resume exercising to avoid any complications.

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