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Wednesday 24 July 2013

Experts, including the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Change4Life campaign and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists advise at least 30 minutes of exercise in pregnancy on most if not all days of the week saying that, amongst other benefits physical activity can reduce back aches and constipation, improve mood, energy and sleep and help women endure and recover better from labour.

Exercise can make you feel MORE energetic

If you're struggling with tiredness during pregnancy then regular exercise will actually give you more energy! It may sound unlikely but there is a science behind it.

Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, thus increasing your stamina, meaning that you won't tire as easily. What's more, if your muscles are strong and toned then they'll need less energy to complete any activity - not only will you feel less tired but it will help prepare you for labour.

Relief from pregnancy discomfort: As well as producing endorphins that will help to lift a gloomy mood, exercise during pregnancy strengthens and stretches muscles, helping your body to cope with aches and pains. Swimming will help alleviate pressure on your joints, beneficial if you suffer with pain in your ankles, hips or back. Back pain can also be alleviated by the stretching involved in Pilates or yoga and even half an hour of walking can help to boost your circulation, raise your heartbeat and help combat varicose veins.

Sleep Better. Exercising for just 30 minutes every day will help your body to work off any excess energy and will tire you, making for a more restful and deep sleep come bedtime.

Prepares Body for Childbirth- The more physically fit you are the better your body will be prepared to give birth; cardiovascular exercise will increase your stamina, whereas specially designed pregnancy yoga exercises or Pilates for pregnancy will work your hips and pelvic area in preparation for birth as well as teaching breathing techniques that will help to calm you and relieve pain.

Improves Self-Image: Although excited to be pregnant, many women struggle with seeing their body change so much throughout pregnancy. While weight gain in pregnancy is inevitable, exercise will help to keep this to a healthy level, and keep your body toned as your bump gets bigger. You'll also find it easier to lose the baby weight and get your pre-pregnancy body back more quickly after you've given birth.

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