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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

SD card, which is abbreviated from Secure Digital Card, is small in size, light in weight and high in storage capacity that it is widely used in many digital media devices, such as mobile phones, digital camera, MP3 players and many more portable medium for storing multimedia files, such as audio, video, documents, images and etc. There are many brands of SD memory card on market, such as Panasonic, Toshiba, and SanDisk with various kinds of capacity specifications like 512 MB, 2GB, 8GB and more.

You may also have a SD memory card used on cellphone or camera for storing files. However, there may be times that important files get lost from SD card due to improper use, formatting or some other unknown reasons. As SD card is popular everywhere, so the SD card data loss is also a common phenomena during people's digital life. Facing the upsetting file loss, what you will plan to do? It must be very frustrating when you lost a large number of wonderful photos which are taken during a long journey. Even if you have enough time to take the same photos again, it's hard to take a photo of same expression or feeling. Don't worry, you can recover lost files from your SD card easily.

If you have found files lost from SD card, then this would be right place to check guidelines about how to restore all your lost files from SD memory card. No matter your SD card files are gone from mobile phones, digital camera or other removable devices, you can effortlessly get back your lost SD card files within a few easy steps.

Easy Guidelines About Recovering Lost SD Card Files on a Windows PC

1. Don't save more data on SD card after data loss.
When your digital files are disappeared from SD memory card, the most urgent thing what you need to do is stopping using the SD card again for storing files. Thus, the lost files will be safe and recoverable. This point is extremely important if you want to get lost files back successfully.

2. Select and download Windows data recovery software for retrieving lost digital files.
To make a search in Google, you will discover that there are tons of recovery tools at different prices on the market. Personally, I'm currently using the Kvisoft Data Recovery. You can also use PhotoRec which is a freeware but of limited functions.

3. Connect SD memory card to a Windows power PC.
Please make sure that the SD card is properly plugged in. When it is successfully detected by Windows, then you can use the data recovery tool you installed for recovering files. The steps are easy if you following the instructions. To learn more how to recover mp3 files on Windows at this link.

Dos and Donts When Using SD Card to Store Files

SD card file loss frequently happens around us, so are there any matters that can effectively prevent data loss from happening? Yes. After made a research about the SD card data loss reasons, we listed the following dos and donts:
1. When SD card is moving files to PC, please don't pull out SD card improperly.
2. When digital camera or mobile is writing or saving files on SD card, please do not remove SD memory card from these digital devices.
3. When SD card is full or capacity is not sufficient, it's not sensible to ignore the warning. You'd better transfer files to another device or computer as soon as possible.
4. Please don't use SD card on virus-infected computers.
5. Please do check twice when you delete files. This may effective avoid wrong deletion.
6. Keep SD card from physical damage.

Do you find these tips helpful?

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