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Thursday 15 August 2013

If you have diabetes, it will be possible that it is not the only ailment that you will have to face. Diabetes may increase your risk to numerous serious health conditions. Among these are heart disease and stroke, kidney ailment, nerve damage, amputations and eye complications. If you are already encountering troubles with your vision, you should make yourself educated and you should visit your eye specialist in Arizona to reduce your risk or to stop your condition from worsening. The items below are groups of helpful information. Continue reading.

1. If you're experiencing the signs of eye issues or not, it is crucial that you visit your eye doctor for regular eye examinations if you have this disease. These will let you avoid eye problems, which can be serious and may result to blindness. A dilated eye test is the most ideal approach to discover eye diseases even at an early stage and when cure can make your eyes considerably better.

2. Maintain yo ur blood sugar at a healthy level. Ask your eye specialist in Arizona about the normal count of blood glucose and what numbers should you target. Ask him as well about the things that you want to do to keep your blood sugar at a standard level.

3. High blood glucose can result in three types of eye concerns: diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma. The most frequent for people with diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, which covers the harming of the blood vessels situated in the retina. They sometimes discharge fluid and are swollen. There are also instances when new blood vessels grow unusually on top of the retina. These manifestations in the blood vessels located in the retina may cause loss of sight.

Cataracts, on the other hand, negatively affect your eyes’ lens; hence, making your vision hazy. Glaucoma is when pressure accumulates inside your eye and hurts its optic nerve.

4. If you have diabetes for over 15 years, it is possib le for you to also suffer from coronary disease. Heart illness is the number one cause of death for people with diabetes. You should then do everything to help keep your blood pressure at the normal level to stop heart attack or stroke. For one, you can improve your activities by performing even a few exercises every day. As much as you can, stop smoking because you are improving your chances of developing the disease. Watch what you eat and opt for a heart-healthy diet.

5. Dilated eye examination checks your eyes for possible damage in the blood vessels in your eyes. It is not just like the eye checkup you undergo when looking for a new pair of glasses or contact lenses to buy or when you only want to discover your eye grade. Dilated eye examination requires the use of eye drops to make the pupil in your eyes bigger.

If you have diabetes, you may be at risk of eye disease. For this reason, you have to make yourself well-informed on how to reduce your risk. Never neglect to do a regular examination with your eye specialist.

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