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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

When we learn to use computers we are always told to back up our data frequently. The simple fact is that few of us remember to do this in time.

Backing up is troublesome and time consuming. To be effective one needs a separate drive that automatically prompts us to back up at preset intervals, or even better one which does this automatically. In fact most businesses have set backup routines and the data is stored on a separate removable drive. This should be taken with you or stored in a fire proof safe to be sure of its integrity.

But as many computer users are busy and are content to shut down their machines at the end of their work day and don't even consider spending the few extra minutes in saving their days work to an independent flash drive, or writing it to a DVD they are trusting the integrity of their machine to restart and remember everything as it was when they closed down.

By and large this faith is justified. Computers are generally reliable and can be trusted to start up and run when required. Many of us with the best of intentions to back up our work on a daily or weekly basis realize we haven't done it for six months -0 and sometimes you don't realize it until after your hard drive crashes.

And then something happens, a wrong button is pressed or a routine gets corrupted and your information is simply - not there. Maybe the file is deleted or formatted away. Not only all our current documents and stuff we were working on but our history as well. And what about the hundreds of hours of music we have stored in our iTunes folder, or the videos we have downloaded? They too are toast.

However, in computers many times 'it isn't there' is really 'I can't find it'. Unless the disk has been physically destroyed much of the data hasn't necessarily been lost permanently. The uFlySoft data recovery tool is a wonderful instrument to get back lost photos, restore USB drive files, and recover an undeleted hard disk document including unformatted lost pictures

This downloadable program can recover lost data, including pictures, music, videos and documents, spreadsheet and custom software files. It supports most major operating systems.

The program works by recovering the RAW data and creates files of all the data on the hard drive and includes options so you only need to spend the time recovering the files you need, not the ones you have deliberately deleted.

Most critical for the work point of view is the need to recover the data on files, work sheets and other work and data bases that may have become inaccessible. uFlySoft gives businesses and consumers a powerful data recovery tool that can be used by anyone - not just experts. We all forget to back up files; or sometimes even if we back them up regularly critical work is lost simply because the failure happened before the next back up had been scheduled.

With uFlySoft, you never have to worry about missing a back up again.


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