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Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Copyright (c) 2013 Sean Lewiss

Bikini season is right around the corner, so if you haven't already started on your fitness regime, now is the time to get going with some of the top celebrity fitness tips. Celebrities are pros when it comes to getting in top shape quickly and efficiently and fitness blogs are a great source for tips. Check out these 8 fitness tips from celebrity fitness blogs and decide which training style best suits you.

1. What did Kim Kardashian do to get back in top Hollywood shape after giving birth? Although cardio exercise, such as jogging, helps to burn calories, what really shapes and forms a lean, curvy body is lifting light weights at high repetitions. Not convinced? Well, according to Kardashian, this training regime helped her lose 44 pounds within six months after giving birth.

2. Short on time for working out? Who isn't? For many, finding the time to devout to get in shaping can feel near impossible. To maximize your calorie burning potential, try Kristin Cavallari's tip: head for the rowing machine. You will not only get your heart rate going, but burn tons of calories and shape all those muscles in your arms, legs, butt and abs.

3. Wondering how Paris Hilton keeps those killer abs? By performing lots of reps on a slight variation of the traditional sit up. Lie on your back with your knees bent and hands behind your hand. Begin by crossing one ankle over the other knee. By contracting your ab muscles bring the opposite elbow toward the opposite knee, moving back and forth, left and right. Do 12 to 15 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

4. Dying for long, sculpted, sexy legs like Jennifer Anniston? Her fitness tips? Lots of leg lunges and knee raises. Tip from celeb fitness blogs: when doing lunges, make sure your knee doesn't bend past the end of your foot. This will prevent injury and also make sure you get the most out of the exercise. In addition, Anniston does yoga three or four times a week to give her entire body an overall sculpt.

5. Not motivated to hit the gym? Neither is singer Kate Perry. That's why her secret tip is to take her workouts outside. This sexy 28 year old stays in top fitness shape by taking long bike rides around her city.

6. What does star Reese Witherspoon do to stay fit and healthy? Witherspoon enjoys taking Pilate classes and is frequently seen going out for runs.

7. Jessica Biel blogs that she keeps her body fit by hitting the gym and doing intensive circuit workouts. Like Anniston, she is a fan of leg lunges and knee raises to keep her legs looking toned and lean. In addition, she does sprints to tone her leg muscles. For her upper body, she does weight training with dumbbells.

8. Every mom knows how hard it is to find time to devote to working out. Sarah Jessica Parker's solution is to simply walk everywhere she goes. When she has the time, she also enjoys fitting in the extra yoga class. Well there you have it, now go out there and implement some of these fitness tips.

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