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Tuesday 21 May 2013

Making money with ebooks has become very popular, most likely because it's fairly easy to do. Of course, there are some silly ways to go about it - such as selling every ebook that you make for just $1.00 alongside all the other ebooks in an online shop. But that's not what we're going to cover here. In this article I'm going to share with you the most profitable ways to make money from ebooks.

The first place that you should be promoting your ebook is on Amazon for the Kindle market. It's a very hot topic and more people are buying Kindles every day. The guys over at Amazon are really cornering the ebook market. Even the iPhone and the iPad have Kindle apps on them.

What's great about Amazon is that they get a lot of traffic. They have worked hard and steady to bring people onto their site, and Google places them well in the search engine results page.

Before you decide to create an ebook on any particular topic, do a little research to find out what the selling price of similar ones is. You could find that they are $10 or more. Whatever you discover, it's most likely that you will need to price your product at a similar price. If the price is way below $10 then you need to change tack. You either need to go for a different topic, or you need to put your focus on selling your book on your own website and driving traffic there instead.

Having your own website with your book will do two things for you. It will give credibility to your book and it will also mean that you have your book on a place where you have more control over the price. It means that you can put the price up for it, sometimes up to a price as high as $39. Again, do some research to understand what other people are selling ebooks for on their websites, and it will give you an idea of how high you can go.

The easiest way to sell the book on your site is to buy a domain and then get some hosting for it. Now you should create a squeeze page. This is where you need to drive the traffic to. You can add a 'subscribe here' opt-in box to collect email addresses. You can then send out timely emails to keep your subscribers interested and as they get more familiar with them, their likelihood of buying will increase. Of course, some will buy straight away, others will need to hear from you a few times.

The great thing is about ebooks, is that you don't even need to write your own. I suggest signing up to a good PLR site where they provide access to ebooks on a monthly basis. All you need to do is to take that ebook, edit if you need to, rebrand it as your own and add your own name as the author and you can take it from there.

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